Figure 5 of Mandal, Mol Vis 2011; 17:2634-2648.

Figure 5. Laser scanning confocal images of sham (A, C, E, G) and detached (B, D, F, H) rabbit retina labeled with antibodies for tubulin β-2C (A, B), α-enolase (C, D), ATP synthase β (E, F), and albumin (G, H) all in red. Müller cells are often observed extending into the subretinal space following retinal detachment (B, arrow). Labeling for α-enolase was concentrated in the Müller cell endfeet region in sham retina, which is possibly redistributed within this cell type following retinal detachment (C, D, arrows). The Müller cells remained relatively brightly labeled for ATP synthase subunit β following retinal detachment (F, arrows). Variable albumin labeling of the ganglion cells was observed in sham retina (G, arrows). The albumin labeling that occurred intracellularly was shown to increase in intensity following retinal detachment (G, H). Abbreviations: OS represents outer segments; ONL represents outer nuclear layer; INL represents inner nuclear layer; GCL represents ganglion cell layer; SRS represents subretinal space. Scale bar 20 µm.