Table 7 of Sen, Mol Vis 2011; 17:2552-2563.

Table 7. Mean vitreous concentrations interleukin-6 (IL-6) and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) in Eales disease (ED) patients at proliferative stage and control patients with macular hole according to –174G/C genotype

Genotype Patients (n=19) Controls (n=16) p value
IL-6 (pg/ml)
GG 101.5 (48.34) 25.53 (26.59) 0.0023*
GC 42.58 (14.88) 5.415 (0.9661) 0.0061*
CC - 4.277 (1.263) -
VEGF (pg/ml)
GG 1151.0 (139.3) 22.91 (22.08) 0.0009*
GC 899.0 (127.8) 16.18 (10.33) 0.0106*
CC - 11.6 (5.607) -