Table 4 of Sen, Mol Vis 2011; 17:2552-2563.

Table 4. Demographic and laboratories characteristics of the Eales disease (ED) patients in proliferative stage (those underwent vitrectomy) and controls patients with macular hole underwent vitrectomy surgery

ED patients
stage’ n=19)
Control patients
with macular
hole (n=16)

p value
Males: Females 18:0 15:1 0.4571
Mean age [years (SD)] 31.8 (8.1) 61.2 (7.5) 0.0001*
Serum IL-6 (pg/ml) 2.017 (0.5476) 0.8886 (0.2589) <0.0001*
Serum VEGF (pg/ml) 324.96 (91.34) 209.9 (98.475) 0.0105*
Serum hsCRP(mg/l) 1.02(0.685) 0.9785(0.268) 0.81
Vitreous IL-6 (pg/ml) 79.8 (48.53) 12.53 (8.57) <0.0001*
Vitreous VEGF (pg/ml) 1058.3 (181.5) 16.987 (14.836) <0.0001*
Vitreous protein (mg/ml) 3.482 (1.83) 0.695 (0.389) 0.0001*
Ratio of IL-6 to protein (pg/mg) 27.39 (12.86) 16.53 (8.65) 0.0071*
Ratio of VEGF to protein (pg/mg) 316.26 (106.32) 26.48 (13.26) 0.0001*