Figure 5 of Yan, Mol Vis 2011; 17:2495-2506.

Figure 5. Histopathologic features of the surgical area in different groups. A, E: At day 7 and day 14 post-op in Group A, respectively, showing intact conjunctiva epithelium (CE), only mild inflammation infiltrate in subconjunctiva scleral filtration area, wide conjunctiva and scleral space (S), and small amounts of fibroblasts in Tenon’s Capsule (TC). B, E: Group B and Group D showing that conjunctival epithelium (CE) is intact, infiltration of inflammation around the subconjunctival scleral filtration area, conjunctiva flap and sclera (S) space narrowing, and dense fibroblasts hyperplasia in the Tenon’s Capsule (TC) at 7 days post-op. *represents sustained-release drug film area in B. C: Showing a moderate number of fibroblasts hyperplasia and a certain subconjunctiva space at day 7 post-op In Group C, however, F, shows dense fibroblasts hyperplasia in the Tenon’s Capsule (TC) and subconjunctival space almost disappear at day 14 post-op. (H-E staining, original magnification: A 40×; B 200×; C 200×; D 200×; E 100×; F 100×).