Figure 3 of Fan, Mol Vis 2011; 17:2221-2227.

Figure 3. Additional AGE levels in mouse lens with or without inhibitor eye drop treatment. A: Mouse lens protein CML levels were significantly reduced by L-arginine (p<0.05). B: Mouse lens protein CEL levels were significantly reduced by L-arginine (p<0.05). C: Mouse lens protein GH1 were not affected by inhibitors (p=N.S.) versus vehicle control. D: Mouse lens protein MG-H1 levels were not affected by inhibitors (p=N.S) versus vehicle control. E: Mouse lens protein glucosepane levels were significantly reduced by L-arginine (p<0.05). One-way ANOVA was used followed by post-hoc analysis for all comparisons (n=10 per group). For abbreviations, see Figure 1.