Figure 2 of Liu, Mol Vis 2011; 17:2129-2138.

Figure 2. The effects of SDF-1α on Alkali injury-induced CNV. A: Macroscopic appearance of vehicle- or SDF-1α-treated BABL/c mouse eyes 2 weeks after alkali injury. B: Corneal tissues were obtained 2 weeks after injury from vehicle- or SDF-1α-treated BABL/c mice. Tissues were immunostained with anti-CD31 antibody, and representative results from five to eight animals are shown here. Original magnifications, 200×. Scale bar, 50 μm. C: CNV numbers per square millimeter in whole section. D: CNV numbers per square millimeter in hot spots. E: Proportions of CNV areas in hot spots were determined from the corneas obtained from vehicle- or SDF-1α-treated BABL/c mice 2 weeks after injury. Each value represents mean±SEM (n=5–8 animals). *, p<0.05 compared with vehicle-treated mice.