Table 4 of Song, Mol Vis 2011; 17:2056-2064.

Table 4. Amplitudes (baseline=100) and Implicit time (ms) of flash VEP in rabbits after administration of GL.

VEP parameters Control TA TA+GL
  Pre 7d 28d Pre 7d 28d Pre 7d 28d
IT 24.9±2.6 24.2±3.2 25.5±3.9 25.2±3.6 25.0±3.4 27.6±3.8** 24.6±3.1 24.9±2.9 26.8±2.3*
Amplitude 100 93.2±18.9 104.7±14.3 100 92.7±15.8 77.2±13.4** 100 96.3±14.8 89.7±13.6*