Figure 1 of Paranthan, Mol Vis 2011; 17:1901-1908.

Figure 1. Mouse alkali burn injury model for corneal neovascularization and retinal gliosis. Corneal alkali injury with limbal and corneal epithelial cell debridement induces two distinct ocular pathologies that are robustly elaborated at 14 days post injury: 1) gliosis in the retina (left panel) and 2) neovascularization in the cornea (right panel). A: Reactive Müller cells labeled with glial fibrillari acidic protein (GFAP) antibody (green) in injured sample from thin tissue section. Cell nuclei were stained with 4′, 6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI, blue). B: Representative image of a segment from whole-mount injured cornea labeled with CD-31+ antibody (green) showing neovascularization from pre-existing limbal vessels (arrowheads). The cornea image was taken at 10× magnification and the retina image at 30×. Abbreviations: GCL represents glial cell layer; INL represents inner nuclear layer; ONL represents outer nuclear layer; Epi represents epithelium.