Table 1 of Rocha, Mol Vis 2011; 17:1679-1686.

Table 1. Classification of defects of the optic nerve damage.

Defect Type Description
0 Normal Without lesion
1 Initial defect Focal deficiency in 1 or more pole that do not reach up to the papillary edge
2 Small defect Focal deficiency in 1 pole that reach to the papillary edge
3 Middle Defect Focal deficiency in 1 or more pole that reach papillary edge (Notch)
4 Middle severe defect Focal deficiency in 1 or more pole that reach the papillary edge (Notch) plus hemorrhage or β zone
5 Severe defect Cup/Disc ratio above 09/09
6 Null Cup/Disc ratio total (10/10)