Table 1 of Liu, Mol Vis 2011; 17:1618-1623.

Table 1. Comparison of four proteins that are differentially expressed in the congenital esotropia and control groups (Means±S).

Peak mass Experimental group Control group
n M/Z n Intensity n Intensity
30 4146.0±2.28 12 7.29±0.33 18 18.92±0.97a
30 4801.3±1.56 12 7.56±0.84 18 16.89±1.21b
30 5859.4±3.13 12 11.35±2.14 18 5.00±0.78c
30 7786.7±4.32 12 8.84±1.55 18 23.64±1.81d