Figure 8 of Zhou, Mol Vis 2011; 17:1526-1536.

Figure 8. Effects of recombinant N-SLIT2 protein on the cell cycles in human retinal pigment epithelium cells. A: Cell cycle of control retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) cells. B: Cell cycle of RPE cells treated with recombinant N-SLIT2 protein (10 ng/ml). C: Cell cycle of RPE cells treated with recombinant N-SLIT2 protein (100 ng/ml). D: Data from the RPE cell cycle distribution of the control group and the recombinant N-SLIT2 protein group. Flow cytometric analysis demonstrates the effects of recombinant N-SLIT2 protein on the human RPE cell cycle. The x-axis represents fluorescence intensity on a logarithmic scale and the y-axis represents the number of events. The results show that the fraction of cells in the G1 phase has decreased and the proportion of cells in the S phase has increased in the presence of recombinant N-SLIT2 protein. Values are the mean±SD from three independent experiments. The proportion of G0/G1, G2, and S phase cells was demonstrated to be decreased in RPE cells treated with recombinant N-SLIT2 protein compared to control cells (D, *p<0.05).