Figure 7 of Zhou, Mol Vis 2011; 17:1526-1536.

Figure 7. Effects of recombinant N-SLIT2 protein on human retinal pigment epithelium cell migration. The migratory activity of cells was estimated based on the number of cells that had traveled through the filter of the chamber. A: Control human retinal pigment epithelium migration. B: Migration of cells treated with recombinant N-SLIT2 protein (10 ng/ml). C: Migration of cells treated with recombinant N-SLIT2 protein (100 ng/ml). D: Relative migration of cells in the control and recombinant N-SLIT2 protein groups. Values are reported as the mean±SD from three independent experiments. The results demonstrate that the number of migratory cells in the recombinant N-SLIT2 protein group was greater than that in the control group (D, * p<0.01). Migration of cells in the control group was set to 1.