Figure 2 of Sebastião da Silva, Mol Vis 2011; 17:1310-1319.

Figure 2. Cellular and protein extravasations into the AqH during EIU. A: Quantitative analysis of neutrophils (Nϕ) and mononuclear phagocytic cells (Mϕ) in the AqH. The results are expressed as number of cells per 103/μl. ***p<0.001 versus control; †††p<0.001 versus LPS 24 h. B: The total protein concentration in the AqH are demonstrated in mg of protein/ml. ***p<0.001 versus control, †††p<0.001 versus LPS 24 h, ‡‡p<0.01 versus c48/80. C: Annexin A1 protein content was analyzed by western blotting and detected by the primary antibody rabbit anti-Anxa1. Two bands of 37 kDa and 33 kDa molecular weights were seen corresponding, to intact protein and NH2-terminal cleaved protein, respectively. The 55 kDa molecular weight tubulin-α was used as control. Control animals, animals at the initial (LPS 24 h) and late phase (LPS 48 h) of the inflammatory process, animals pretreated c48/80 (c48/80) only, or pretreated with c48/80 before EIU (c48/80 + LPS 24h). n=10 animals/group.