Figure 7 of Le Carré, Mol Vis 2011; 17:1287-1297.

Figure 7. Age-related increased expression of Glb1l3 in the retina. A: mRNA expression from wt (black squares) and Rpe65−/− retinas (white squares) was assessed by real-time PCR in differentiating retinas from post-natal day (P) 7 to P 13 (P 7–13). B: Retinal mRNA expression was assessed by microarray in adult retinas from 2 to 18 months of age (2–18 m). In wild-type (WT) mice, Glb1l3 transcript was strongly induced from P 7 to P 13 and age-dependent increased expression still persisted in adulthood and during aging (p<0.0001 by two-way ANOVA). In Rpe65−/− mice, the level of Glb1l3 mRNA was reduced in differentiating (p<0.05 by two-way ANOVA) and adult (p<0.0001 by two-way ANOVA) retinas as compared with wt mice. Data are the mean±standard error of the mean (SEM) of 3 independent animals.