Table 2 of Mamata, Mol Vis 2011; 17:1203-1208.

Table 2. Distribution of epidemiological parameters in different types of age-related cataracts and controls studied.

  N C CC PSC Total Controls
Cohorts N % N % N % N % N %
Total 110 33.1 110 33.1 111 33.8 331 - 210 -
Males 54 49.1 50 45.5 44 39.6 148 44.7 133 63.5
Females 56 50.9 60 54.5 67 60.4 183 55.3 77 36.5
Early onset 13 11.8 29 26.4 35 31.5 77 23.3 ….
Late on set 97 88.2 81 73.6 76 68.5 254 76.7 …. …..
Familial 29 26.4 22 20.0 25 22.5 76 23.0 39 18.8
Non-familial 81 73.6 88 80.0 86 77.5 255 77.0 171 81.3
Smokers 29 53.7 28 56.0 25 56.9 82 55.4 53 39.4
Non-Smokers 25 46.3 22 44.0 19 43.2 66 44.6 80 60.6
Alcoholics 24 44.4 17 34.0 17 38.6 58 39.2 62 47.0
Non-Alcoholic 30 55.5 33 66.0 27 61.4 90 60.8 71 53.0
Over wt 6 5.5 8 7.3 10 9.0 24 7.3 88 30.8
Normal wt 104 94.5 102 92.7 101 91.0 307 92.7 45 69.2
  N/Mean/SEM. N/Mean/SEM. N/Mean/SEM. N/Mean/SEM. N/Mean/SEM.
Age 110/61.3/0.23 110/58.1/0.23 111/56.6/0.22 331/58.7/0.22 210/49.1/0.16
Age at onset 110/60.4/0.23 110/57.1/0.23 111/55.6/0.22 331/57.7/0.22 —/—/—
BMI 110/21.8/0.23 110/21.6/0.23 111/21.9/0.22 331/21.7/0.23 210/23.4/0.16