Table 1 of Wakamatsu, Mol Vis 2011; 17:932-938.

Table 1. Comparison of clinical signs and ocular surface vital staining scores before and after treatment with tacrolimus

Clinical signs and ocular surface vital staining scores Before treatment After 1 month of treatment p value
Conjunctival injection score(0–3 points) 2.89±0.33 1.00±0.53 0.004
Conjunctival edema score (0–3 points) 2.78±0.67 1.00±0.92 0.016
Papillary proliferation score (0–3 points) 3.00±0.01 2.62±1.06 0.500
Fluorescein staining (0–9 points) 5.50±4.14 0.28±0.75 0.016