Figure 2 of Chee, Mol Vis 2010; 16:800-812.

Figure 2. Localization of NKCC1 and NCC expression in the rat lens. Equatorial cryosections doubled-labeled with either NKCC1 or NCC specific antibodies (green), and the membrane marker TRITC-WGA (red). A: Image montage of the NKCC1 labeling pattern from the periphery to the core of the lens. B-D: High-powered images of areas indicated in A. B: In the lens periphery labeling for NKCC1 in the epithelial and peripheral fiber cells is predominately cytoplasmic in nature although some membrane labeling is evident (insert). C: NKCC1 antibody labeling is lost 350–400 μm in from the capsule. D: No NKCC1 labeling was found in the lens core. E: Image montage of the NCC labeling pattern from the periphery to the core of the lens. F-H: High-powered images of areas indicated in E. F: In the lens periphery labeling for NKCC1 in the epithelial and peripheral fiber cells is predominately cytoplasmic in nature although some membrane labeling is evident (insert). G: Image of the transition zone showing a shift of NCC labeling from the cytoplasm to the membrane. H: NCC in the core is strongly associated with fiber cell membranes. I-J: High-powered images of the outer cortex (OC), inner cortex (IC) and core (C), respectively, in which sections were labeled with the NCC antibody preabsorbed with its antigenic peptide.