Figure 1 of Chee, Mol Vis 2010; 16:800-812.

Figure 1. Identification of NKCC and NCC in the rat lens. A: Agarose gel showing reverse-transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT–PCR) products amplified using total RNA extracted from kidney (K) and lens fiber cells (F). PCR products were detected for NKCC1 in kidney and fiber cells; for NKCC2 in kidney but not in fiber cells; and for NCC in kidney and fiber cells. Negative control lanes which lacked reverse transcriptase (-) show no amplification. First and last lanes show DNA ladders for analysis of PCR product size. B: Western blot analysis showing the presence of NKCC1 and NCC, but not NKCC2 in crude rat lens membrane preparations. A band however, was detected for NKCC2 in the kidney thereby confirming antibody activity.