Table 1 of Maier, Mol Vis 2010; 16:53-60.

Table 1. Graft and patient data of all study groups.

Clinical parameter Baseline Acceptors Rejectors p Value Statistical test
Mean donor age/years (n) 61.3 (95) 66.4 (17) 57 (14) 0.31 ANOVA
Mean interval from death to graft excision/hours (n) 28.5 (95) 30.1 (17) 22.2 (14) 0.4 ANOVA
Duration of organ culture/days (n) 21.5 (93) 21.8 (17) 19.3 (14) 0.51 ANOVA
Preoperative endothelial cell density of the graft/cells per mm2 (n) 2,684 (93) 2,782 (16) 2,435 (14) 0.32 ANOVA
Patient age/years (n) 66 (197) 58.5 (33) 48.1 (25) <0.01 ANOVA
Patient gender female/% (n) 47 (197) 64 (33) 52 (25) 0.20 χ2