Table 2 of Lundh von Leithner, Mol Vis 2010; 16:570-581.

Table 2. Antibodies used for immunohistochemistry and their working dilutions.

Antibody Manufacturer Catalog number Dilution
Rabbit PaB to Ki-67 Vectorlabs VP-K451 1:2,000
Rabbit PaB to Otx2 Chemicon/Millipore ab9566 1:1,000
Rabbit PaB to ZO-1 ZYMED Laboratories, Invitrogen 40–2200 1:100
Mouse MaB to MMP-2 Abcam ab7032 1:200
Rabbit PaB Caspese-3 Abcam Ab2302 1:100
Mouse MaB to BrdU [11] - 1:5