Figure 3 of Sakthivel, Mol Vis 2010; 16:445-453.

Figure 3. Occurrence of αA-crystallin in lenticular soluble protein fractions in different groups of Wistar rats. A typical western blot showing age-dependent relative concentrations of αA-crystallin in the soluble protein fractions of Wistar rat lenses. A: An equal amount of protein was loaded in each lane and subjected to electrophoresis. Blots were incubated with αA-crystallin antibody, with ß-actin as the loading control. B: band intensity of αA-crystallin levels relative to 10 day-old rat lenses. C: Linear regression analysis revealed a significant negative correlation between αA-crystallin and the urea-soluble to soluble protein ratio. (▲) Values in 10 day-old rat lenses; (□) Values in 16 day-old rat lenses; (●) Values in 30 day-old rat lenses; (♦) Values in 90 day-old rat lenses; (×) Values in 180 day-old rat lenses; (■) Values in 365 day-old rat lenses; (○) Values in the lenses of 16 day-old rats that had been administered selenite on post-partum day 10.