Figure 2 of Sakthivel, Mol Vis 2010; 16:445-453.

Figure 2. Effect of aging on the ratio of urea-soluble to soluble protein in lenses of rats of different age groups in comparison to rats with selenite cataractous lenses. The X-axis indicates the age in days and the Y-axis indicates the ratio of urea-soluble to soluble protein. 10 =10 day-old rat lenses; 16 = 16 day-old rat lenses; 30 = 30 day-old rat lenses; 90 = 90 day-old rat lenses; 180 = 180 day-old rat lenses; 365 = 365 day-old rat lenses; 16(se) = lenses of 16 day-old rats that had been administered selenite on post-partum day 10. The ratio of urea-soluble to soluble lenticular protein was found to rise with increasing age.