Figure 9 of Sato, Mol Vis 2010; 16:378-391.

Figure 9. Expression levels of Rom1 and Prph2 in mouse retinas from 8-week-old Rom1+/+, Rom1Rgsc1156/+, and Rom1Rgsc1156/Rgsc1156 mice (n=3 each). A: Rom1 and Prph2 mRNA levels are expressed relative to glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (Gapdh) mRNA level. The relative Rom1 and Prph2 mRNA levels differed significantly among the genotypes (* indicates p<0.05, Tukey–Kramer multiple-comparisons test). B: Rom1 and Prph2 mRNA levels are expressed relative to the rhodopsin (Rho) mRNA level. No significant differences in relative Rom1 or Prph2 mRNA levels were observed among the genotypes. Data shown are means±standard error. The data were normalized to wild-type values, which were set equal to 100%.