Table 3 of Tiercy, Mol Vis 2010; 16:353-358.

Table 3. Genotypic frequencies of HLA-DRB1 alleles within the DR1 and DR4 specificities.

VKH patient
alleles (2n=188)
SO patient
alleles (2n=78)
Control subject
alleles (2n=224)
versus controls
versus controls

number % number % number % OR 95% CI p-value† OR 95% CI p-value†
HLA-DRB1*0101 4 2.1 1 1.3 4 1.8 1.20 0.30–4.85 1 0.71 0.08–6.49 1
HLA-DRB1*0403 18 9.6 7 9.0 16 7.1 1.38 0.68–2.78 0.38 1.28 0.51–3.24 0.62
HLA-DRB1*0405 10 5.3 1 1.3 1 0.4 12.5 1.59–98.8 0.003# 2.90 0.18–46.9 0.45
HLA-DRB1*0407 1 0.5 0 0.0 0 0.0 3.59 0.15–88.7 0.46 n.a. n.a. n.a.
HLA-DRB1*0410 6 3.2 2 2.6 1 0.4 7.35 0.88–61.6 0.051 5.87 0.53–65.6 0.17
HLA-DRB1*0405 or *0410 16 8.5 3 3.8 2 0.9 10.3 2.34–45.5 <0.001 4.44 0.73–27.1 0.11