Figure 3 of Aparisi, Mol Vis 2010; 16:2948-2954.

Figure 3. Linkage analysis for the USH1B and USH1C loci in the family FRP-284. A: Linkage analysis for the USH1B locus. The three affected patients of this family (RP-1367, RP-1368 and RP-1371) shares the same haplotype. For this locus, only one informative marker has been used (D11S4186). The distance of this marker to the MYO7A gene is 42,161 bp. B: Linkage analysis for the USH1C locus. The three affected patients of this family (RP-1367, RP-1368 and RP-1371) shares the same haplotype. For this locus we used two informative extragenic markers (D11S902 and D11S4138) and two intragenic markers (c.1086–45G>A and p.P396P). The distances from D11S902 and D11S4138 to the USH1C gene are 26,790 bp and 189,788 bp, respectively. The segregation analysis for the variants c.1086–12G>A (red) and p.G379D (green) is also shown.