Figure 3 of Picard, Mol Vis 2010; 16:2612-2625.

Figure 3. Characterization of human transferrin (hTf) expression in rd10/ hTf mouse. A: Gel migration of DNA extracted from products of rd10 or rd10/hTf (lane 1), TghTf (lane 2), and rd10+/−hTf (lane 3) mice use to establish the genotypes. The homozygous rd10 mutation was revealed by the presence of 1257 and 715 bp bands. The heterozygous mutation had 1257, 715, 661, and 54 bp bands. The wild-type (WT) had 1257, 661, and 54 bp bands. Bands 54 bp in size are not visible on the gel. B: Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay was used to quantified hTf concentrations in lysats of neural retinas of rd10, rd10/WT, rd10/hTf, and TghTf mice. Values were means±SEM n=12; ns means not significant. C-F: hTf was immunolocalized on frozen sections of 3-week-old rd10 (D) and rd10/hTf (E) mouse retinas. Non-immune serum was used as a control (C). TghTf mouse retina was labeled with anti-CRALBP, a specific marker for Müller glial cell (F). G-H: Mouse Tf was immunolocalized on frozen sections of 3-week-old rd10 (G) and rd10/hTf (H) mouse retinas. Abbreviations: Ch is choroid; GCL is ganglion cell layer; INL is inner nuclear layer; IPL is inner plexiform layer; IS is inner segment; ONL is outer nuclear layer; OPL is outer plexiform layer; RPE is retinal pigmented epithelium. Scale bars in C-H equal 50 μm.