Table 1 of Kojima, Mol Vis 2010; 16:2457-2464.

Table 1. Comparisons of tear function tests, vital staining scores and squamous metaplasia grades between SS patients and control subjects.

Examination SS patient Healthy control
BUT (s) 3.1±1.1* 12.0±2.8
Schirmer test-1 (mm) 2.8±1.9* 17.5±1.4
Fluorescein score (pts) 4.7±2.6* 0.5±0.9
Rose Bengal score (pts) 4.3±1.7* 0.2±0.4
IC squamous metaplasia grade (Nelson’s) 1.9±0.9* 0.3±0.4
BUT, tear film break up time; SS, Sjogren syndrome; IC, impression cytology; *p< 0.0001