Table 2 of Böhringer, Mol Vis 2010; 16:2362-2367.

Table 2. Basic data of both cohorts.

Cohort 1
Cohort 2
Age at time of surgery (years) 59±20 58±19
Follow up (years) 2.8±2.2 1.7±1.2
Trephine diameter (mm) 7.8±0.3 8.0±0.4
Percentage of normal risk keratoplasties 100% (586) 36% (355)
HLA-A/B Mismatches
0 3% ( 18) 4% (35)
1 11% (67) 24% (230)
2 25% (144) 28% (275)
3 40% (234) 27% (274)
4 21% (123) 17% (161)
HLA-DR Mismatches
0 11% (62) 16% (152)
1 48% (284) 51% (505)
2 41% (240) 33% (318)