Figure 2 of Bitel, Mol Vis 2010; 16:2301-2316.

Figure 2. REST (NRSF) regulated neuronal genes are activated in the lens. A: Immunoblot detection of Synapsin 1 in lens and brain (a: Millipore; b: BD Biosciences). B: Amplification of Synapsin 1 transcripts from lens and brain. C: Representative sequence identifying exon junction in cDNA products. D: Immunoblot detection of neuronal βIII-tubulin in lens, and brain (a: rabbit antibody, Sigma; b: chicken antibody, Aves). E: Amplification of neuronal βIII-tubulin transcripts from lens and brain. F: Region from complete amplified product sequence identifying in frame exon junction in amplified transcripts. G: Amplification of Synaptotagmin 1 and Synaptophysin 1 transcripts from lens and brain. H: Region from amplified product sequence identifying in frame exon junctions in amplified transcripts. Asterisks indicate splice junctions.