Table 5 of Zhou, Mol Vis 2010; 16:2163-2174.

Table 5. Protein expression in posterior sclera: MD eyes versus recovery eyes.

Spot no.a Protein level Fold Accession numberb Protein description Protein Scorec
107 Up 3 gi|68270947 capping protein (actin filament) muscle Z-line alpha 2 101
227 Up 3.7 gi|73957579 similar to T-complex protein 1, zeta subunit (TCP-1-zeta) (CCT-zeta) (CCT-zeta-1) isoform 3 95
148 Down 3.5 gi|54016803 putative amidase [Nocardia farcinica IFM 10152] 72
175 Down 9.5 gi|73964667 hypothetical protein XP_533132 210
220 Down 3.5 gi|21614520 glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase 90