Table 1 of Greco, Mol Vis 2010; 16:2109-2120.

Table 1. iHCE/tHCE expression ratio (R) of selected genes determined for microarrays (RMA method) or by real-time PCR



gene ID
Log2 R
(Adjusted p-value)
Real-time RT–PCR
Log2 R
TaqMan® gene
Hair keratin KRT81 3887 5.04 (1.20E-05) 7.87 (3.16E-07) Hs00605559_m1
Hyaluronan-mediated motility receptor HMMR 3161 4.51 (1.39E-06) 4.11 (5.67E-07) Hs00234864_m1
Keratin of simple epithelia KRT7 3855 3.84 (1.79E-04) 10.07 (2.42E-09) Hs00818825_m1
Breast cancer resistance prot., stem cell related ABCG2 9429 2.60 (1.38E-05) 6.43 (1.44E-08) Custom-made*
MDR1; drug efflux pump ABCB1 5243 1.54 (1.73E-03) 8.63 (1.04E-07) Custom-made*
Protein phosphatase regulatory subunit SAPS3 55291 0.00 (9.93E-01) 1.09 (1.01E-03) Hs00217759_m1
Pore forming claudin CLDN15 24146 −0.53 (4.30E-03) 0.81 (2.08E-02) Hs00204982_m1
Receptor for hyaluronic acid CD44 960 −0.99 (8.85E-03) −0.43 (1.98E-01) Hs00153304_m1
MRP5; drug efflux pump ABCC5 10057 −1.37 (5.54E-04) −1.72 (2.17E-05) Hs00981071_m1
Component of tight junction strands CLDN1 9076 −3.43 (8.43E-04) −2.33 (1.31E-03) Hs01076359_m1
Marker for corneal epithelial differentiation KRT3 3850 −6.57 (1.23E-06) −20.27 (1.17E-11) Hs00365080_m1
Marker for corneal epithelial differentiation KRT12 3859 −8.60 (5.29E-08) −22.30 (1.34E-11) Hs00165015_m1