Table 4 of Pannebaker, Mol Vis 2010; 16:1949-1957.

Table 4. Results of 18% SDS–PAGE gel.

Band Normal group KCGP group KC group χ2 test statistic K-W* p-value M-W* p-value
1 4,735,056±3,714,884 2,936,292±2,062,411 2,062,411±731,122 2.46 0.29 0.26
2 5,092,928±1,766,856 2,465,169±1,653,506 1,653,506±139,621 5.22 0.07 0.04
3 5,175,055±1,448,604 7,423,089±1,473,792 1,473,792±478,052 5.87 0.05 0.06
4 6,929,268±2,110,943 8,659,253±1,024,358 1,024,358 ±1,200,761 5.41 0.07 0.20
5 3,738,795±2,209,871 5,101,108±1,482,155 1,482,155±261,301 5.73 0.06 0.26