Table 2 of Pannebaker, Mol Vis 2010; 16:1949-1957.

Table 2. Results of 6% SDS–PAGE gel.

Band* Normal group KCGP group KC group χ2 test statistic K-W** p-value M-W*** p-value
1 3,575,887±1,424,689 1,806,129±217779 2,591,190±2,831,972 3.35 0.19 0.06
2 2,077,964±286,289 2,181,524±234,306 2,913,398±1,655,816 0.42 0.81 0.52
3 5,872,456±1,330,132 4,859,815±572,571 6,273,139±1,202,384 4.15 0.13 0.11
4 4,267,008±926,704 2,712,487±1,214,430 3,143,803±1,068,539 5.49 0.06 0.04
5 2,649,799±769,856 2,553,806±360,750 3,312,287±1,033,510 1.20 0.55 1.00
6 1,753,659±502,052 1,919,784±520,070 2,462,628±496,940 1.87 0.39 0.63
8 3,032,929±346,532 3,227,170±169,248 3,986,479±736,975 5.73 0.06 0.26