Figure 2 of O’Brien, Mol Vis 2010; 16:1854-1863.

Figure 2. Co-localization of Caspr and inl cell markers in rodent retina. A-C: Single confocal section demonstrating co-localization of Caspr labeled amacrine cells near the inner nuclear layer/inner plexiform layer (inl/ipl) boundary (A, arrowheads) with Disabled-1 (B) a marker of AII amacrine cells in mouse retina (C, overlay) D-F: Photomicrographs of rat retina demonstrating that nearly all Caspr labeled amacrine cells (e.g., arrowheads, D) also contained Parvalbumin (PV, E), a well known marker for AII amacrine cells (F, overlay). Arrow in (D) indicates a cell labeled with Caspr, but not co-localized with Parvalbumin. Asterisk in (E) indicates a cell labeled with Parvalbumin, but not co-localized with Caspr. G-I: Photomicrographs of rat retina demonstrating that Caspr (G) was not co-localized with ChAT (H) in amacrine cells (I, overlay). Arrowheads indicate Caspr labeled cells in the inl; arrows indicate ChAT labeled cells in the GCL. J-L: Photomicrographs of rat retina showing that some Caspr-labeled amacrine cells (arrowheads, J) contained Calretinin (K arrowheads, L overlay). Arrows in J-L indicate a Caspr labeled amacrine cell that did not co-localize with Calretinin, while asterisks (J-L) indicate a Calretinin positive cell that did not contain Caspr. Scale bar equal to 25 μm.