Figure 3 of Cavet, Mol Vis 2010; 16:1791-1800.

Figure 3. Effect of RU-486 on mapracorat or dexamethasone inhibition of hyperosmolarity-induced cytokine release in T-HCEpiC. Cells were cultured in complete (HCGS containing) medium, followed by glucocorticoid-free medium for 48 h. Cells were treated with 440 mOsm hyperosmotic basal media + RU486 and/or mapracorat or dexamethasone for 24 h. Cytokine release into the media was analyzed by Luminex. A: IL-6 release; B: MCP-1 release. For both A and B, the white bar represents 440 mOsm + 100 nM mapracorat and the black bar represents 440 mOsm + 100 nM dexamethasone; open circles + dashed line represents 440 mOsm + mapracorat + RU-486; closed circles + solid line represents 440 mOsm + dexamethasone + RU-486, dark gray bar represents 440 mOsm alone. Data are presented as mean±SEM, n=3. *Versus respective 440 mOsm + mapracorat or 440 mOsm + dexamethasone; for IL-6, dark gray 440 mOsm bar denotes significantly different from 440 mOsm + dexamethasone and 440 mOsm + mapracorat; for MCP-1, dark gray 440 mOsm bar denotes significantly different from 440 mOsm + dexamethasone; p<0.05.