Figure 1 of Li, Mol Vis 2010; 16:1669-1679.

Figure 1. Plasma fatty acid composition. A: The relative mole percentage of n3 and n6 polyunsaturated fatty acids from total phospholipid extracts of plasma of Fat1+/VPP+, Fat1–/VPP+, Fat1+/VPP–, and Fat1–/VPP– mice are shown at 4 weeks of age. B: Relative mole percentages at 28 weeks of age are shown. (n=3–7) *p<0.05 fat-1 positive versus fat-1 negative. **p<0.01 fat-1 positive versus fat-1 negative. ***p<0.001 fat-1 positive versus fat-1 negative. F indicates fat-1 and V indicates VPP.