Figure 6 of Tattersall, Mol Vis 2010; 16:144-153.

Figure 6. Presence/absence of a kidney-shaped appearance as a function of hatch and scan group. Panel A shows the proportion of kidney-shaped lenses as a function of hatch (i.e., batches of chickens hatched and phenotyped together). Note that for some hatches (e.g., hatches 3, 14, 18, 21, 23, and 25) none of the lenses had a kidney shape, yet for other hatches (e.g., hatches 15 and 17) kidney-shaped lenses were the norm. Panel B shows the proportion of kidney-shaped lenses as a function of scan group (i.e., groups of eyes that were MRI scanned at the same time). Note that the proportion of kidney-shaped lenses was approximately uniform across scan groups.