Figure 5 of Tattersall, Mol Vis 2010; 16:144-153.

Figure 5. Illustration of significant correlations between lens, eye and body size traits (for eyes with lenses judged as non-kidney shaped). Panels A-H each depict the degree of correlation between an individual trait (central circle) and a range of other eye and body size traits (outer circles). Significant correlations between traits are indicated by blue lines, with thickness proportional to the magnitude of the correlation coefficient. Results are shown for lens volume (A), lens equatorial diameter (B), lens anterior radius of curvature (C), lens posterior radius of curvature (D), axial lens thickness measured by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) (E), axial lens thickness measured by ultrasonography (F), axial eye length (G), and corneal radius of curvature (H). Ocular traits measured by MRI are depicted as green circles, ocular traits measured by methods other than MRI as yellow circles, and nonocular traits as white circles. The data for panels G and H have been published previously [6] and are included here to provide a comparison between lens traits and other ocular traits.