Figure 3 of Zhou, Mol Vis 2010; 16:1389-1398.

Figure 3. The expression of exogenous human vasohibin-1 protein in mouse corneas at different time points after alkali-induced injury. Ad-Vasohibin-1 was injected subconjunctivally 5 days before alkali-induced corneal injury at a titer of 109 viral particles. AC: On day 3 after alkali-induced injury (8 days after injection), vasohibin-1 was expressed within the injection sites and some staining signals were detected at the roots of the iris. DF:On day 6 after alkali treatment, vasohibin-1 was highly expressed in the subepithelial stroma of the cornea, and some immunostaining was detected in the deep stroma of the central cornea. Vasohibin-1 expression was highly co-localized with corneal neovascularzation. Immunostaining was diffusely distributed in the frontal stroma, which was not co-localized with new blood vessels within the cornea. GI: On day 9, peripheral cornea showed a similar staining pattern as central cornea, but more vasohibin-1 expression was detected in the deep corneal stroma. JL: There was no positive immunostaining for vasohibin-1 and CD31 antigen in normal cornea without subconjunctival injection.