Table 1 of Ju, Mol Vis 2010; 16:1331-1342.

Table 1. Effects of increased optic atrophy type 1 (OPA1) expression on the central, middle and peripheral retinal ganglion cell (RGC) survival from 9-month-old glaucomatous DBA/2J mice.


Age (mo)

RGC density per retina (RGCs/mm2)
Central Middle Peripheral
C57BL/6 9 AAV2-CMV-GFP 5208±522 4389±555 3000±570
DBA/2J 9 AAV2-CMV-GFP 3539±370* 2922±367* 1585±160*
DBA/2J 9 AAV2-WT mOPA1 4260±712** 3820±470** 2775±450**