Figure 1 of Ju, Mol Vis 2010; 16:1331-1342.

Figure 1. Intraocular pressure (IOP) measurement in nine-month-old glaucomatous DBA/2J mice following transfection with adeno-associated virus serotype 2-cytomegalovirus-green fluorescent protein (AAV2-CMV-GFP) or adeno-associated virus serotype 2-wild type (AAV2-WT) optic atrophy type 1 (mOPA1). A: Similar mean IOP was observed in the eyes of nine-month-old DBA/2J mice injected with either AAV2-CMV-GFP (n=19) or AAV2-WT mOPA1 (n=29). B: Distribution of IOP in the eyes of mice nine months of age following injection of vectors. Data represent the mean±SD. There was no significant IOP difference.