Table 4 of Lin, Mol Vis 2010; 16:1206-1214.

Table 4. The physical condition of the T2D patients.

Variable Mean C/N Std Dev C/N Min C/N Max C/N
BUN 17.42/17.32 8.17/8.15 5.80/5.70 87.10/82.20
Creatinine 0.91/0.90 0.58/0.62 0.23/0.29 13.80/12.95
total-cholesterol 189.02/187.10 41.23/41.08 66.00/68.20 560.00/550.20
triglyceride 163.82/163.84 125.63/126.58 58.90/21.00 1380.00/1327.60
HDL-C 48.75/48.67 13.75/13.82 8.25/8.00 111.00/108.50
LDL-C 118.52/117.64 35.77/34.68 3.75/3.20 338.20/335.20
HbA1C 7.94/7.92 1.45/1.49 4.20/4.50 16.20/15.90