Table 2 of Lin, Mol Vis 2010; 16:1206-1214.

Table 2. Lens opacities classification system defines the extent of opacification of lens cortex opacification and posterior subcapsule of lens.

Cortical standard Description
C0 Clear lens devoid of aggregated dots, flecks,
Ctr Minimal degree of cortical opacification and/or
CI More extensive opacification with small
CII Cortical spoking that obscures more than 2 full
CIII Opacification that obscures about 50% of the
CIV Advanced opacification filling about 90% of the
Posterior subcapsule standard Description
P0 Clear posterior capsule
PI Cataract filling about 3% of the area of the posterior capsule
PII About 30% opacification of the area of the posterior capsule
PIII About 50% opacification of the area of the posterior capsule