Figure 2 of Yang, Mol Vis 2010; 16:1186-1193.

Figure 2. Representative corneal phenotypes as shown by slit lamp examination. The proband of GCD1 family HCD-007 with R555W mutation had crumb-shaped and round white opacities (A). The proband of GCD1 family HCD-023 with R555W mutation showed confluent gray white opacities in a fan-like distribution in the central cornea (B) and recurrence corneal deposits after penetrating keratoplasty (C). The proband of GCD2 family HCD-016 with R124H mutation showed that the corneal opacities resemble rings, disks or snowflakes (D). The patient with the severe form of corneal dystrophy had confluent round white opacities in a coralloid shape in the superficial stromal layer (E), whereas his brother had fewer round opacities and thick spicular opacities (F) in a consanguineous marriage Chinese family clinically diagnosed as GCD2. The proband of LCD1 family HCD-005 with R124C mutation showed numerous fine, branching refractile lattice lines in subepithelial and stromal layers of the cornea (G). The proband of LCD family HCD-010 with H626R mutation showed recurrent diffuse stromal haze (H). The proband of LCD family HCD-022 with Δ613–616VAEP mutation showed thick, stellate lattice lines with intervening opacities and extending more to the periphery (I).