Appendix 5 of Zangerl, Mol Vis 2009; 15:927-936.

Appendix 5. Comparative maps of retinal expressed clones in the canine genome.

To access the data, click or select the words “Appendix 5.” This will initiate the download of a (pdf) archive that contains the file. Results of the EST mapping are graphically displayed for each chromosome indicating the relative position (A) of all mapped ESTs (B, blue) on the RH panel (C), the corresponding chromosome sequence draft (D), and potential alignments to nonhomologous chromosomes (E). Placement is indicated by horizontal lines, while oblique lines connect placements on different maps for the same EST. Chromosomes are oriented with centromeres located next to the respective legend on top of each page (A, 0); the artificial scale to the left (A) is proportional to the respective chromosome size based on the RH mapping. For orientation, selected markers are displayed on the RH map (B, red), and marker groups mapped in individual blocks are separated by black lines. ESTs linked, but not uniquely mapped to individual chromosome are displayed in italic. Intervals corresponding to mapped human disease loci (Appendix 2) are indicated on the right of each homologous region of the sequence drafts (C).