Table 1 of Gardner, Mol Vis 2009; 15:876-884.

Table 1. PCR primers used to further analyze the opsin array in Family 2.

L or M opsin
specific exon 2
PCR primers

5′-3′ Sequence

Product size
(Ta) °C
LEx2F ctggatgatctttgtggtcac 192 base pairs (bp) 59
LEx2R cccagcacgaagtagccag

MEx2F ctggatgatctttgtggtcat 192 bp 56
MEx2R cccagcacgaagtagccat

Long Range
PCR primers
5′- 3′ Sequence Product size Ta °C
LRF ggctgcactgggggccac ~7–8 kilobases 70
LRR aagcaaagcttcccactgtcctgcttagac

Internal opsin
sequencing primers
5′- 3′ Sequence

Mint1F tttctcacagctctggaggc

Mint2R agggagacaggcctaca