Table 2 of Zhao, Mol Vis 2009; 15:826-832.

Table 2. Clinical details of the five patients from the two families.

Manifestation Family 1 Family 2
Patient II:5 III:4 II:2 II:3 III:2
Age (Years) 39 11 24 20 4
Sex M M F M F
Ocular system
Ectopia lentis + + + + +
Myopia + + + + +
Abnormally flat cornea
Early development of cataract
Strabismus + + + + +
Retina detachment
Skeletal system
Height (cm) 193 153 168 174 107
Arm span (cm) 194 151 171 172 107
AS/H (normal<1.05) 1.01 0.99 1.02 0.99 1
Pectus carinatum
Pectus excavatum
Arachnodactyly + + + + +
High palate with dental crowding
Joint hypermobility
Other manifestations
Hyperextensible skin