Figure 4 of Near, Mol Vis 2009; 15:685-699.

Figure 4. Ocular phenotype in AND-34−/− mice. A: The lens cortex was observed in the anterior chamber of the eye in a subset of AND-34−/− mice (four-month-old mouse shown on right). Comparable abnormalities were never observed in AND-34-/+ or AND-34+/+ mouse eyes (left). B: Dissected whole lens from a three-month-old AND-34−/− 129 strain mouse was compared with a three-month-old AND-34+/+ lens as viewed under a dissecting microscope. The AND-34+/+ lens was a uniform translucent, smooth, spherical structure whereas the lens from the AND-34−/− mouse eye was a partially opaque, irregular structure that had clearly lost a portion of its internal contents.