Figure 4 of Engler, Mol Vis 2009; 15:629-637.

Figure 4. RT-PCR of total RNA of HCECs and human mononuclear cells for COL8A2 and β-actin. Agarose gel shows in lane 1: 1 kb plus ladder, lane 2: COL8A2 with HCECs, lane 3: COL8A2 with HCECs, pretreated with DNase (control to rule out DNA contamination), lane 4: β-actin (housekeeping gene serving as positive control), lane 5: COL8A2 with human mononuclear cells (negative control), lane 6; β-actin with human mononuclear cells (positive control), lane 7: no template (negative control to rule out contamination of reagents), lane 8: PCR with HiFi Taq of HCEC total RNA using COL8A2 primers (negative control to rule out contamination of HCEC total RNA with genomic DNA).