Table 2 of Chen, Mol Vis 2009; 15:563-576.

Table 2. Profile of anterior segment immune cells in Aire-sufficient versus Aire-deficient mice.


Central Cornea Limbus Conjunctiva
4 wk 8 wk 16 wk 4 wk 8 wk 16 wk 4 wk 8 wk 16 wk
CD4+ Aire+/− 1.03±2.06 2.26±2.62 8.34±9.84 13.96±21.98 2.62±3.80 18.85±22.99 50.46±47.73 111.58±60.24 55.24±76.48
Aire−/− 4.06±3.73 41.53±38.61 113.97±122.86 455.42±657.03 854.13±455.42 235.55±218.41 332.03±247.28 611.79±602.86 411.92±518.64
CD8+ Aire+/− 0±0 0±0 0±0 0±0 3.123±6.25 6.94±13.89 6.39±12.77 0.72±1.43 0±0
Aire−/− 3.43±6.86 16.33±17.11 67.45±104.51 551.35±928.04 247.58±144.59 151.84±224.85 289.6±380.37 355.02±204.18 38.13±46.22
CD11c+ Aire+/− 0.18±0.36 0.06±0.13 17.44±24.26 58.79±57.03 24.12±48.00 27.59±18.75 79.83±38.66 80.5±71.92 117.86±116.45
Aire−/− 11.57±8.83 21.26±18.95 230.96±239.18 676.25±607.16 906.94±401.30 881.14±567.89 382.78±205.78 403.39±353.03 565.99±608.88
I-A[d]+ Aire+/− 0±0 0.322±0.645 0.45±0.9 26.95±36.69 22.47±20.22 44.57±34.75 213.91±70.22 181.41±92.18 85.84±69.44
Aire−/− 24.90±29.25 17.85±15.30 210.99±19.59 714.18±1329.62 1746.79±845.55 687.06±401.39 543.61±557.55 552.40±264.02 1280.06±845.53